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Heavy Rain Over Telangana, Rayalseema. Is It Northeast Monsoon?

Monsoon is withdrawn from Northern parts of India but still to be withdrawn from eastern part and upper peninsular part of India. Rather monsoon is active over north interior Karnataka and Telangana and Rayalaseema, South Madhya Maharashtra. Usually by this time southwest monsoon get withdrawn and northeast monsoon sets over Tamilnadu.

These areas are getting rain due to cyclonic circulation moving in easterlies (moving east to west). It’s difficult to say whether it is a northeast monsoon since southwest monsoon not yet withdrawn. As such there is no definite rule for commencement of northeast monsoon.

Why monsoon is active over north interior Karnataka and Telangana and Rayalseema, South Madhya Maharashtra?

trough from orissa to kerala 03 0ct 2017

Telangana, parts of Andhra receiving heavy rain causing flooding.

If we observe the wind field in above diagram, there is a trough from west Bengal to north Kerala. Area along the trough, will experience thunder activity due to mixing of dry northeasterly wind and moist southerly wind (south to north wind flow). It is evident from the satellite picture shown below.

This trough oscillate east – west. This trough will shorten day by day.  Due to shortening of trough a small cyclonic circulation system also forms in between time to time. Then this system moves in easterlies (east to west direction). So peninsular India get rainfall during these days whether we call northeast monsoon or southwest monsoon. That is why difficult to decide the date of northeast monsoon.

sat pic 03 oct 1700 ist

Above satellite picture shows the band of clouds over Telangana, Rayalseema, Andhra and parts of South Madhya Maharashtra.

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