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Why Monsoon 2017 was Withdrawn From Northwest India?

In weather there are cyclonic winds (anti clockwise direction) and anti cyclonic winds (clockwise direction). Cyclonic winds associated with cloudy & rainy weather where as anti cyclonic winds with fair weather.

So what are the indications for monsoon withdrawal? If anticyclone forms at 1.5 km above mean sea level and if five days no rain/weather over north west India then IMD is supposed to declare withdraw of southwest monsoon from parts of northwest India.

Below figure shows the anti cyclone in thick lines. As mentioned it is the area of fair weather which can also be seen in satellite picture below. Also click here to see the animated model to see the anticyclone over Rajasthan.

Also one can notice that night becomes abnormally cold to the west Rajasthan, so we can guess the signal of withdrawal of monsoon from northwest India. Science behind it probably is that cold north westerly wind (flowing from northwest to southeast direction) is due to formation of anticyclone at lower level. These winds are dry and cold. Due to anticyclone over West UP and Central MP, northeasterly wind (wind flow from northeast to southwest) starts blowing.

sat pic 03 oct 1700 ist

In above satellite picture, fair weather can be see in northwest and north India.

The withdrawal symptoms are thunder activity and lightning towards evening or night. It is due to mixing of dry northeasterly wind and moist southerly wind (south to north wind flow).

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