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Realized weather during the last week from 13 July to 19 July

During the last week, the monsoon trough started sifting southward. A cyclonic circulation formed over South Gujarat and offshore trough shifted to north Konkan. Due to this situation, Mumbai and surrounding areas experienced heavy to very heavy rain. Mumbai (Santacruz) recorded 10 cm on 15th July, 19 cm on 16th July and 15 cm on 17th July. Total 44 cm in three days.

North-East states rainfall reduced but due to heavy rain in Nepal, the rivers of Bihar were flooded. South Konkan Goa and coastal Karnataka also observed heavy rain. Interior Maharashtra like Marathwada and Vidarbha got very little rain.


Forecast–  (20 July to 26 July)

Monsoon Trough will be at the foot hills of Himalaya till 21st or 22nd of July. On 23rd a cyclonic circulation will form over Jharkhand and bring the trough southward. Rainfall will be very less for Tamil Nadu Rayalaseema and interior Karnataka.

20th July, 22nd and 23rd July   UP adjoining MP Haryana Punjab will get good rain. North East states will too observe good rain.

24th July Marathwada, Madhya Maharashtra, Vidarbha will experience moderate rain.

25th West MP, East Rajasthan will observe rain.

26th Due to circulation Saurashtra will observe rain.

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